Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
Bio 111

Pre-Workshop 11:The Brain

Use Chapter 11 in your textbook to do these Pre-Workshop Activities

Activity A: Parts of the Brain

Write the part of the brain that best fits the descriptions below.

1._____________________Largest and most superior region
2._____________________Emotional brain
3._____________________Recognizes fear
4._____________________Wake, sleep, thirst and hunger centers
5._____________________Houses the superior and inferior colliculi
6._____________________Houses pneumotaxic and apneustic centers
7._____________________Houses cardiac and vasomotor centers
8._____________________Sneezing, coughing, hiccuping reflexes
9._____________________Controls balance and equilibrium
10._____________________Houses the pineal gland
11._____________________Control center of the Autonomic Nervous System
11._____________________Outermost layer is the cerebral cortex

Activity B: Areas of the Cerebral Cortex

Write the area of the cerebral cortex that best fits the description below:

1._____________________Located in the precentral gyrus
2._____________________Learned motor skills
3._____________________Directs muscles used in speech production
4._____________________Voluntary eye scanning movements
5._____________________Directs skeletal muscle movement on the opposite side of the body
6._____________________Recieves input from receptors in skin and from proprioceptors
7._____________________Uses past visual experiences to help interpert present visual experiences
8._____________________Intellect, learning ability and personality
8._____________________Conscious awareness of different odors

Activity C: Cranial Nerves

Write the name of the Cranial nerve that best fits the description below:

1._____________________Cranial nerve III
2._____________________Numbed while having your teeth worked on
3._____________________Facial expression, tears
4._____________________Autonomic function only
5._____________________Arise from the medulla (More than one answer)
6._____________________Equilibrium and hearing
8._____________________Double vision if nerve is damaged
8._____________________Injury to nerve decreases tasting and swallowing ability
8._____________________Trouble shrugging shoulders if nerve damaged
8._____________________Difficulty speeching and swallowing if nerve is damaged