Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
Bio 111

Pre-Workshop 7:Articulations

Use Chapter 8 in your textbook to do these Pre-Workshop Activities

SkullKnee Joint

Activity A: Joint Classification

Write the joint classification that best fits the descriptions below.

1._____________________An immovable joint
2._____________________Freely movable joint
3._____________________No joint cavity and held together by cartilage
4._____________________Slightly movable joint
5._____________________No joint cavity and held together by fibrous tissue
6._____________________Fibrous joint only found in the skull
7._____________________Holds tooth to the alveolar sockets
8._____________________The epiphyseal plate
9._____________________Joining of manubrium and sternum
10._____________________Pubic symphysis
11._____________________Articulation of first rib to the manubrium of the sternum

Activity B: Parts of Synovial Joint

Write the part of a synovial joint that best fits the description below:

1._____________________Surrounds and encloses the synovial joint
2._____________________Pads of fibrocartilage inside the synovial joint
3._____________________Cruciate ligaments of the knee
4._____________________Fluid that abosrbs shock and nourishes the articular cartilage
5._____________________Hyaline cartilage covering the ends of bones
6._____________________Produces synovial fluid
7._____________________Attaches the periosteum to the articulating bones
8._____________________Fluid filled sacs that reduce friction

Activity C: Types of Synovial Joint

Write the type of the synovial joint that best fits the description below::

1._____________________Atlantoaxial joint
2._____________________Intercarpal and intertarsal joints
3._____________________Metacarpophalangeal joint of fingers 2-5
4._____________________Allows triaxial movement
5._____________________Non-axial movement; gliding
6._____________________Joint between the sternum and ribs 2-7
7._____________________Elbow and interphalangeal joints
8._____________________Shoulder and hip joints
8._____________________Monaxial; only rotation is allowed at the joint
8._____________________Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
8._____________________Radiocarpal joint