Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
Bio 111

Pre-Workshop 1: Overview & Hierarchy of Life

Use Chapter 1 in your textbook to do these Pre-Workshop Activities.

Activity A

Briefly define each of the following. Use your own words first; then find a definition from your text. Try to give an example for each term.

  1. Anatomy
  2. Atom
  3. Differentiation
  4. Excretion
  5. Growth
  6. Homeostasis
  7. Metabolism
  8. Molecule
  9. Negative Feedback
  10. Organ
  11. Organ System
  12. Organelle
  13. Organism
  14. Physiology
  15. Positive Feedback
  16. Responsiveness
  17. Receptor
  18. Tissue

Activity B

Fill in the blanks
  1. An organism is made up of __________________ like the Digestive System which are made of _____________ (an example of which is _______________).
  2. All matter is composed of small particles called ___________ which bond together to form _____________ such as H2O.
  3. A liver cell has no distinguishing features when it first divides, but it soon _________________ to have all of the specialized features and functions of mature liver cells.
  4. All cells have structures inside them (such as the nucleus) which have special functions that are essential to the life of the cell. These “little organs” are called _______________.
  5. ______________ is the tendency of a living organism to maintain certain constantly fluctuating properties within a narrow acceptable range.
  6. All living things consume food, break it down, and then use the pieces to build new cells (and tissues, organs, etc.). This whole process is called _______________.
  7. A group of cells having a common structure and performing the same function is called a _______________.

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