Chapter 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves & Somatic Reflexes

  1. List the four main functions of the spinal cord.
  2. Section 13.1 Surface anatomy, Meninges, Cross Sectional Anatomy. These terms are covered in the Must Know Lab Book
  3. Define ascending tracts of the spinal cord.
  4. Define descending tracts of the spinal cord.
  5. Define decussate. What is the consequence of decussation (crossing-over)?
  6. Recognize these tracts as ascending; Gracile fasciculus and Spinothalamic and know each tracts specific function. (See Table 13.1)
  7. Recognize these tracts as descending; Corticopsinal and Reticulospinal and know each tracts specific function. (See Table 13.1)
  8. Describe the structure of a nerve.
  9. Review spinal nerve structures from the Must Know Lab Book.
  10. Define endoneurium, fascicle and perineurium.
  11. Describe the three types of nerve fibers; sensory nerves, motor nerves and mixed nerves.
  12. Describe the structure and location of a ganglion.
  13. Section 13.2 Spinal nerves, proximal branches, distal branches, nerve plexuses. These terms are covered in the Must Know Lab Book
  14. Review the major nerves associated with each plexus in the Must Know Lab Book.
  15. Define reflex and explain why we have them. List four important properties of a reflex.
  16. Define Somatic reflexes.
  17. Describe the five components of a reflex arc.
  18. Describe a withdrawal reflex and the stimulus that initiates it.

Chapter 14 The The Brain and Cranial Nerves

  1. Describe the three major portions of the brain; cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem.
  2. Describe the arrangement of the brain’s gray and white matter. Define cortex, nuclei and tracts.
  3. Review the three meninges that surround the CNS.
  4. Contrast the dura of the brain and the spinal cord.
  5. Define dural sinus (superior sagittal sinus) and describe its function.
  6. Define and locate ventricles and their interconnections.
  7. Describe the choroid plexuses their location and function.
  8. Describe the Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF); its location, production and composition. Review the role of ependymal cells.
  9. Trace the path of CSF from production to circulation to re-absorption. (See figure 14.7)
  10. Name 2 structures of the blood brain barrier and explain the barrier’s importance. List some substances that can and cannot pass through the barrier.
  11. List the fundamental sensory and motor functions of the medulla oblongata.
  12. Describe the location and action of the cardiac center, vasomotor center and respiratory centers.
  13. Briefly describe the medulla pyramids and general function lost if they are severed.
  14. Describe the pons and its functions.
  15. Describe the function of the brainstem regions: midbrain, cerebral peduncles, corpora quadrigemina and red nucleus.
  16. Describe the location and functions of the reticular formation.
  17. Describe the functions of the cerebellum.
  18. List the structures found in the diencephalon. Describe the function of the thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland.
  19. Define cerebrum, cerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum, gyrus, sulcus and fissure.
  20. Review the location of the lobes of the cerebrum. List the functions of each.
  21. Describe the white matter of the cerebrum. Briefly describe the projection, commissural and association tracts.
  22. Define and describe the cerebral cortex
  23. Describe the basal nuclei and their functions.
  24. List the parts and functions of the Limbic System
  25. Briefly describe the steps of sleep and their relationship to brain waves.
  26. Define association area. Describe association functions disrupted in the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes when there is a cerebral lesion (injury)
  27. Describe the role of the hippocampus in memory.
  28. Identify brain regions concerned with emotion. Describe each region’s specific role.
  29. Identify the lobes of the cerebrum concerned with senses. Describe the role of the primary sensory cortex.
  30. Describe the location of the special sensory areas for vision, hearing, taste and smell.
  31. List the names and location of the general senses. Describe the location and role of the Postcentral gyrus.
  32. Give the location and function of the motor association (Premotor) area and primary motor area.
  33. Describe the location and function of the two language areas; Wernicke and Broca
  34. Define cerebral lateralization. List the functional differences between the right and left hemispheres.
  35. For each cranial know how to identify it by name and number. Know where each cranial nerve originates.
  36. Describe the functions of each cranial nerve. Identify each as sensory, motor or mixed. (See table 14.1)

Chapter 15:
Autonomic Nervous System & Visceral Reflexes

  1. List the effectors and several effects of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
  2. Describe visceral reflexes controlled by the ANS
  3. List the two divisions of the ANS. Match the terms Flight or Flight and Resting and Digesting with the division of the ANS they represent.
  4. Compare the functional differences of the two divisions.
  5. Describe how the motor neuron arrangement of Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System differ.
  6. Define preganglionic and postganglionic fibers.
  7. Describe why the Sympathetic division is also called Thoracolumbar.
  8. Describe the structure and location of the Sympathetic Chain of ganglia (Paravertebral).
  9. Trace the beginning and end of the pre and post ganglioinc fibers in the Thoracolumbar division.
  10. Explain how the adrenal medulla of the adrenal gland is unusual in its preganglionic fiber arrangement.
  11. Describe why the Parasympathetic division is also called Craniosacral.
  12. Name and describe the ganglia in the Parasympathetic division
  13. Trace the beginning and end of the pre and post ganglioinc fibers in the Craniosacral division
  14. Name the cranial nerve that carries most of the Parasympathetic flow. List the organs that it affects
  15. Name the two neurotransmitters released by the Autonomic Nervous System.
  16. Define and list cholinergic and adrenergic fibers.
  17. List the two classes of receptors for Acetylcholine (ACh). Describe the location and action of nictotinic and muscarinic receptors.
  18. List the two classes of receptors for Norepinephrine (NE). Describe the location and action of alpha and beta receptors.