Chapter 9
Muscular System

  1. List the five functions accomplished by muscle contraction.
  2. List the three types of muscle.
  3. Describe why a skeletal muscle is an organ.
  4. Define fasciae, tendon and aponeurosis.
  5. Define the organization of a skeletal muscle: epimysium, perimysium, fascicle and endomysium.
  6. Describe a skeletal muscle fiber and how it differs structurally from a typical cell?
  7. Define sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myofibrils, myofilaments (actin and myosin) and sarcomere.
  8. Define I bands, H zone, Z line, M line, A bands and titin.
  9. Define the location and roles of myosin cross bridges (heads), troponin and tropomyosin.
  10. Describe the location and function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, transverse tubules, cisternae and triad.
  11. Define neuromuscular junction, synapse, neurotransmitter, motor neuron, motor end plate and motor unit.
  12. Describe the stimulus for skeletal muscle contraction.
  13. Describe the role of Ca+2 in muscle contraction.
  14. Describe the sliding filament model.
  15. Describe the major events of a skeletal muscle contraction-relaxation cycle. (Use Table 9.1 on page 294).
  16. Describe the role of creatine phosphate in muscle contraction.
  17. Describe the role of myoglobin in muscle contraction.
  18. Define simply aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  19. Describe oxygen debt and lactic acid accumulation. What is the role of the liver in removing the lactic acid buildup?
  20. Define muscle fatigue and its causes.
  21. Describe the value of the heat produced during muscle contraction.
  22. Define threshold stimulus.
  23. Define muscle twitch.
  24. Define the segments of a muscle twitch: latent period, contraction and relaxation.
  25. Define recruitment, summation, tetanus and muscle tone.
  26. Distinguish between isotonic and isometric contractions.
  27. Describe two features of smooth muscle that allows it to respond as a single unit.
  28. Define peristalsis and where it occurs.
  29. List the organs where smooth muscle is found.
  30. Describe smooth muscle contraction and how it differs from skeletal muscle contraction.
  31. Describe cardiac muscle cells and how they differ from skeletal and smooth muscle cells.
  32. Describe cardiac muscle contraction and how it differs from skeletal and smooth muscle contraction.
  33. Contrast and compare these features of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. (See table 9.2) a) Structure b) Location c) Major function d) Mode of control e) Role of Ca+2 f) Contraction characteristics