Chapter 3
Cell Structure and Function

To Life To Life, Cells!

  1. Describe the location, basic structure and function of the plasma or cell membrane.
  2. Describe the parts of a phospholipid and how they are oriented in the cell membrane.
  3. Describe the Fluid mosaic model.
  4. Describe the term selectively permeable.
  5. Define diffusion and its basic characteristics.
  6. Using a source other than your textbook, define solution, solute and solvent.
  7. Describe osmosis. Describe the characteristics of an isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solution.
  8. How do molecules cross the cell membrane using facilitated diffusion? What are the basic features of facilitated diffusion? What disease is associated with this process?
  9. How does active transport differ from passive transport?
  10. Name and describe two active ways that cell takes things in? Name an active process that lets cells move things out.

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