Chapter 4
Organization and Regulation of Body Systems

Not this kind of Tissue!

  1. What are the four primary types of tissues and their basic functions? What are the 4 types of cancer?
  2. Describe the cell arrangement and main functions of epithelial tissue.
  3. How do you recognize simple epithelial tissue?
  4. Distinguish between the three types of simple epithelial tissue (squamous, cuboidal and columnar) and give a location for each.
  5. Describe pseudostratified epithelial tissue and where it is found. How does smoking affect this tissue?
  6. How do you recognize stratified epithelial tissue? Where is stratified squamous found and what is its main function? Name a medical procedure performed on women associated with stratified squamous tissue.
  7. Describe how transitional epithelial tissue is unusual, its locations and function.
  8. What structure does glandular epithelial tissue form? Name the two basic types of glands, their locations and how are they different.
  9. Describe adipose tissue, where is it found and its functions.
  10. What is the function of tendons and ligaments? What makes tendons and ligaments so strong?
  11. How are bone and cartilage alike in function? What are the 3 types of cartilage and where is each type located in the body?
  12. Your thigh bone (femur) is a long bone. Where would you find the compact and spongy bone?
  13. Name the 3 kinds of muscle and where each type is found in the body.
  14. Consider the following scenario: You have decided to run in the 10K marathon. You train and train and train. The night before the race you eat a big meal made mostly of starches. The next day you run and run and run. It is rather warm out. You drink lots of fluid along the way. Near the end it is hard to keep going, but you finish the race. At the end you collapse, exhausted, breathing hard, but you also need to find a bathroom fast. Describe all the different systems you used before, during and after the race, some of their organs and why each system was important to you. (Use figure 4.12 for help) Mader Chapter 4: The Integumentary System
  15. What are the members of the Integumentary system?
  16. What are the two layers of the skin?
  17. What kind of tissue is the epidermis made of? What is keratin, what is its function and how is it related to dandruff?
  18. What are melanocytes and why are they important? What vitamin is made in the epidermis?
  19. Why are collagen and elastic fibers important in the dermis? Describe how blood vessels and sensory receptors are important.
  20. Describe the subcutaneous layer. What are its functions?
  21. What is the connection between hair follicles and the arrector pili muscles?
  22. What are oil (sebaceous glands) and where are they located? What is their function? What are whiteheads and blackheads?
  23. What are sweat glands (sudoriferous glands) and what is their function?

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