Chapter 12
The Nervous System

  1. Describe how the Nervous System works with any one other body system. (See page 264)
  2. What are receptors? (see the glossary)
  3. What makes up the Central Nervous System (CNS)? The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)?
  4. Describe the function of a neuron. (nerve cell).
  5. Describe the parts of a neuron, dendrite, cell body, axon, and axon bulb (see page 251)
  6. What are the 3 types of neurons? What is the function of each type?
  7. Using the handout, briefly describe 3 special characteristics of neurons.
  8. Describe the relationship between Schwann cells and myelin sheath. What is the myelin sheath made of? What is its function? What is the Node of Ranvier?
  9. What is Multiple Sclerosis? What information does the article provide about this disease?
  10. What is saltatory conduction?
  11. What is a synapse? What 3 things make up the synapse? What is the presynaptic membrane? Postsynaptic membrane? Synaptic cleft?
  12. What is a neurotransmitter substance? What releases it? What does it go across? What does it bind to?
  13. What is acetylcholine (ACh)? Why is it important? (to be done in class) What is acetylcholinesterase (AChase)? Why is it important? Using handout what new information have they found concerning nicotine and Ach? Describe the causes, symptoms and treatment forParkinson's Disease.
  14. Which part of the Nervous System contains nerves? How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? What is the function of the Somatic Nervous System?
  15. Describe the Autonomic Nervous System. What are its 2 major divisions? Describe the effects of the Sympathetic Division and the Parasympathetic Division.

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